Referee Card Stats

The Referee Card Stats give you the history of how many cards a referee has produced within a given league season for all the matches they have taken charge of.

This can help towards identifying how many cards in a future fixture a referee could potentially produce when betting on a card market. Find below how most bookmakers judge the cards on points:

Yellow Card = 10pts | Straight Red Card = 25pts | Two Yellow Cards (Equalling One Red Card)  = 35pts


Showing referee card stats for Bundesliga

Referee Games FH SH H A Yellow Cards Y -> R Red Cards Y per match Cards per match
Bastian Dankert4613118191-4.755
Benjamin Brand3798816--5.335.33
Christian Dingert27-347--3.53.5
Daniel Schlager613781220113.333.67
Daniel Siebert5816915241-4.85
Deniz Aytekin536369--1.81.8
Felix Brych42104812--33
Felix Zwayer3678513--4.334.33
Florian Badstubner4512710171-4.254.5
Frank Willenborg31135914--4.674.67
Harm Osmers4587613--3.253.25
Marco Fritz218279-14.55
Martin Petersen122224--44
Matthias Jollenbeck331551318--66
Patrick Ittrich2323251-2.53
Robert Hartmann3664812-244.67
Robert Schroder4486612-133.25
Sascha Stegemann224426--33
Sven Jablonski352347--2.332.33
Timo Gerach111112-123
Tobias Reichel21117512--66
Tobias Stieler3383811-13.674