Referee Card Stats

The Referee Card Stats give you the history of how many cards a referee has produced within a given league season for all the matches they have taken charge of.

This can help towards identifying how many cards in a future fixture a referee could potentially produce when betting on a card market. Find below how most bookmakers judge the cards on points:

Yellow Card = 10pts | Straight Red Card = 25pts | Two Yellow Cards (Equalling One Red Card)  = 35pts


Showing referee card stats for Serie A

Referee Games FH SH H A Yellow Cards Y -> R Red Cards Y per match Cards per match
Antonio Damato152348343771-24.734.87
Antonio Giua1112-2--22
Claudio Gavillucci1726553645811-4.764.82
Daniele Chiffi323145-11.672
Daniele Doveri1733514044842-4.945.06
Daniele Orsato172546294271-24.184.29
Davide Ghersini122224--44
Davide Massa1927444130711-3.743.79
Eugenio Abbattista3576612--44
Fabio Maresca162838293766634.134.69
Fabrizio Pasqua1713351929481-2.822.88
Federico La Penna3297411--3.673.67
Francesco Fourneau112123--33
Gianluca Aureliano3-1046101-3.333.67
Gianluca Manganiello151832252550263.333.87
Gianluca Rocchi163838364076444.755.25
Gianpaulo Calvarese162234243256123.53.69
Ivano Pezzuto1-1-11--11
Lorenzo Illuzzi1211231-34
Luca Banti182337273360113.333.44
Luca Pairetto91517141832113.563.78
Luigi Nasca1-5235--55
Marco Guida162653364379434.945.38
Marco Piccinini11--11--11
Marco di Bello162345373168134.254.5
Massimiliano Irrati1526403234661-4.44.47
Maurizio Mariani162650344276334.755.13
Michael Fabbri182744422971133.944.17
Paolo Mazzoleni182328242751222.833.06
Paolo Tagliavento162643353469424.314.69
Paolo Valeri1526342931605144.4
Pierluigi Pairetto610201317301-55.17
Piero Giacomelli152031272451143.43.73
Riccardo Pinzani1-2-22--22
Rosario Abisso162635253661213.814