Referee Card Stats

The Referee Card Stats give you the history of how many cards a referee has produced within a given league season for all the matches they have taken charge of.

This can help towards identifying how many cards in a future fixture a referee could potentially produce when betting on a card market. Find below how most bookmakers judge the cards on points:

Yellow Card = 10pts | Straight Red Card = 25pts | Two Yellow Cards (Equalling One Red Card)  = 35pts


Showing referee card stats for Serie A

Referee Games FH SH H A Yellow Cards Y -> R Red Cards Y per match Cards per match
Aleandro Di Paolo1-1-11--11
Antonio Di Martino122224--44
Antonio Giua44139817--4.254.25
Carlo Castellani22127714--77
Daniele Chiffi152243283765164.334.8
Daniele Doveri194046434386324.534.79
Daniele Orsato19436255501051-5.535.58
Davide Ghersini112123--33
Davide Massa1522563147781-5.25.27
Eugenio Abbattista327639--33
Fabio Maresca162966494695435.946.38
Fabrizio Pasqua192541313566-33.473.63
Federico Dionisi111112--22
Federico La Penna1522292031512-3.43.53
Francesco Fourneau263549--4.54.5
Gianluca Aureliano254729114.55.5
Gianluca Manganiello152039253459-23.934.07
Gianluca Rocchi152351334174334.935.33
Gianpaulo Calvarese183351394584-14.674.72
Ivano Pezzuto115336--66
Juan Luca Sacchi34108614--4.674.67
Livio Marinelli2476511--5.55.5
Lorenzo Maggioni12-112--22
Lorenzo Manganelli1144151-56
Luca Banti172755384482334.825.18
Luca Massimi121123--33
Luca Pairetto1225372537624-5.175.5
Luigi Nasca1-2-22--22
Manuel Volpi227459--4.54.5
Marco Guida162561355186115.385.5
Marco Piccinini431451217--4.254.25
Marco Serra1421561-67
Marco di Bello152148303969244.65
Massimiliano Irrati163542324577244.815.19
Maurizio Mariani153252394584355.66.13
Michael Fabbri152851354479215.275.47
Paolo Mazzoleni172841373269444.064.53
Paolo Valeri173241353873124.294.47
Pierluigi Pairetto4955914--3.53.5
Piero Giacomelli1825352733602-3.333.44
Riccardo Ros1123-3--33
Rosario Abisso1718543636723-4.244.41