Referee Card Stats

The Referee Card Stats give you the history of how many cards a referee has produced within a given league season for all the matches they have taken charge of.

This can help towards identifying how many cards in a future fixture a referee could potentially produce when betting on a card market. Find below how most bookmakers judge the cards on points:

Yellow Card = 10pts | Straight Red Card = 25pts | Two Yellow Cards (Equalling One Red Card)  = 35pts


Showing referee card stats for Serie A

Referee Games FH SH H A Yellow Cards Y -> R Red Cards Y per match Cards per match
Alessandro Prontera223235--2.52.5
Antonio Di Martino115336--66
Antonio Giua142349343872245.145.57
Daniel Amabile111112--22
Daniele Chiffi173049384179124.654.82
Daniele Doveri172546343771114.184.29
Daniele Orsato173261464793215.475.65
Davide Ghersini121213--33
Davide Massa1943654761108615.686.05
Eugenio Abbattista3295611--3.673.67
Fabio Maresca173453424587235.125.41
Fabrizio Pasqua142328163551--3.643.64
Federico La Penna1840504347904255.33
Francesco Fourneau36141010201-6.677
Gianluca Aureliano217448--44
Gianluca Manganiello152840343468164.535
Gianluca Rocchi1636554249916-5.696.06
Gianpaulo Calvarese182755364682114.564.67
Giovanni Ayroldi26684122-67
Juan Luca Sacchi3767613--4.334.33
Livio Marinelli113314--44
Lorenzo Maggioni1314-4--44
Luca Massimi112123--33
Luca Pairetto164237314879524.945.38
Manuel Volpi335448--2.672.67
Marco Guida174254554196385.656.29
Marco Piccinini162453374077124.815
Marco Serra122134--44
Marco di Bello172546363571-14.184.24
Massimiliano Irrati163945424284345.255.69
Maurizio Mariani21426351541052955.52
Michael Fabbri154145483886125.735.93
Paolo Valeri173952434891115.355.47
Piero Giacomelli173040353570-14.124.18
Riccardo Ros123235--55
Rosario Abisso1848534754101115.615.72
Simone Sozza225347--3.53.5